Ideal Directories Why You Need to Sell Yourself in Sales and How to Do It
Ideal Directories Why You Need to Sell Yourself in Sales and How to Do It

Why You Need to Sell Yourself In Sales and How to Do It

Published on September 12, 2022

When you sell yourself, you’re showing people why they should do business with you over the competition. It’s about putting yourself out there, being genuine and working to maintain a good reputation. In most cases, people don't just buy into a product or service, they buy into the person that’s selling to them. So it’s important to put your best foot forward and be someone that people want to work with.

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Ideal Directories 4 Ways to Encourage Site Visitors to Share Your Directory Website Using Social Media
Ideal Directories 4 Ways to Encourage Site Visitors to Share Your Directory Website Using Social Media

4 Ways to Encourage Site Visitors to Share Your Directory Website Using Social Media 

Published on September 2, 2022

As a digital forum for word-of-mouth marketing, social media is one of the most effective ways to promote your directory website. To grow your following, you'll want to maximize the power of social media and implement different methods into your marketing strategy to prompt site visitors to share and post about your directory website.

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Ideal directories 7 ways to exhibit confidence as a new business owner
Ideal Directories 7 Ways to Exhibit Confidence as a New Business Owner

7 Ways to Exhibit Confidence as a New Business Owner

Published on August 29, 2022

Above anything else, to succeed as a business owner, you must believe in yourself and exhibit confidence. You can have all the capital, tools, support, and resources in the world but, if you don’t believe in your ability to succeed, you could be easily swayed to give up, especially when things get tough. Confidence as a business owner comes from knowing yourself, your abilities, and being passionate about your business. 

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Sell your first listing

5 Tips for Selling Your First Directory Listing

Published on August 25, 2021. Updated on August 22, 2022.

If you just launched your own directory website with Ideal Directories or are thinking about starting one, you're probably eager to sell your first listing. Most would say that landing your first paying advertiser is often the hardest sale, but once you get in the groove and gain momentum, sales will come easier, referrals will start to trickle in, and you’ll be on your way to building a profitable online business.

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Ideal directories 5 steps to creating a captivating headline for your directory website
5 Steps to Creating a Captivating Headline for Your Directory Website

5 Steps to Creating a Captivating Headline for Your Directory Website

Published on August 15, 2022
The headline on your directory website is one of the most important aspects of your website's homepage. It's the first thing your site visitors will see when they visit your directory and is often larger than the rest of the text on your site. A well-crafted headline is relevant, clear, descriptive and captures the attention of your audience. Use the tips listed in this article to help you write an effective headline for your directory website. 
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15 Directory Concepts That Can Work For Just About Any Market
15 Directory Concepts That Can Work For Just About Any Market

15 Directory Concepts That Can Work For Just About Any Market

Published on August 8, 2022
Most directory websites cater to a specific city or town. While a local-focused directory website is a great place to start, expanding your business by creating a network of niche directory websites can help you expand your reach, stand out from competitors and maximize (or better yet multiply) your earning potential. If you’re interested in starting a business directory website that caters to a specific industry or niche, here’s some inspiration! 
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Ideal directories 12 creative ways to show your customers you appreciate them
Ideal Directories 12 Creative Ways to Show Your Customers You Appreciate Them

12 Creative Ways to Show Your Customers You Appreciate Them

Published on August 1, 2022
Building a relationship with your customers is especially important when you're just starting out, and can be one of your best tools for growth. The more they like and trust you, the more likely they are to recommend you to their friends and followers. That’s why it’s important to show them that you appreciate them — not just so you’ll keep their business but also so they'll keep singing your praises in front of their network. 
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5 benefits of adding free listings to your online business directory website

5 Benefits of Adding Free Listings to Your Online Business Directory Website

Published on May 24, 2021. Updated on July 18, 2022.

If you recently launched a local business directory with Ideal Directories, or are thinking about starting one, one of the first things you will want to do is add some free sample listings to your site. While at first it might sound counterintuitive to add free listings to a site that is meant to be a source of income, there are many benefits to adding free listings. 
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Ideal directories 7 tips for starting a home based business
Ideal Directories 7 Tips for Starting a Home-Based Business

7 Tips for Starting a Home-Based Business

Published on July 11, 2022
To operate a home-based business effectively requires careful planning, developing the necessary skills, and adhering to best practices. If you're considering starting a home-based business, you'll want to establish how you are going to manage your business to ensure it runs smoothly and efficiently. This article outlines 7 tips that will allow you to enjoy the freedom of running your own home-based business while still staying on track with achieving your goals.

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Ideal directories 12 steps to populating a business listing
Ideal Directories 12 Steps to Populating a Business Listing

12 Steps to Populating a Business Listing 

Published on June 27, 2022

A business listing should be a digital representation of a company and provide all the information a consumer would need in a simplistic format. There are certain creative elements that go into populating a business listing with relevant and meaningful content. With Ideal Directories, it’s simple to customize and populate a business listing with information. Whether you're adding a listing yourself, or advising a client on what's best, here are 12 steps to follow to get the most out of your directory site.

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Tips for hiring a sales rep

6 Tips for Hiring a Sales Rep for Your Directory Website Business

Published on April 14, 2021. Updated on June 20, 2022.

While you can certainly run an Ideal Directories website business as a “soloprenuer,” there may come a time when you want to expand and hire a sales rep. For those who struggle with sales themselves, hiring a dedicated sales rep can be a great option, allowing you to focus on the other parts of the business you truly enjoy and that you’re good at.

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Ideal Directories 7 Tips for Crafting an Effective Email Marketing Campaign
Ideal Directories 7 Tips for Crafting an Effective Email Marketing Campaign

7 Tips for Crafting an Effective Marketing Campaign

Published on June 13, 2022
Email marketing campaigns allow you to reach thousands of people at once, and typically don’t require a lot of time to put together although, the design and messaging are critical components that play a significant role in their success. In this article, we’ll review seven proven tips that will help you craft the perfect email marketing campaign to boost your sales, build your brand, and help you stand out from the competition. 
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How much should you charge for a directory listing 3

How Much Should You Charge for a Directory Listing?

Published on December 18, 2020. Updated on May 23, 2022.

If you're currently running a local business directory website or thinking about starting one, you're probably wondering how much you should charge local businesses for a listing on your site. Pricing is the single most powerful tool available to you as a new entrepreneur in almost any type of business. 

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Ideal Directories Blog - 5 Ways Your Mental Health Will Improve When You Own Your Own Business
Ideal Directories Blog - The Top 3 Reasons Why Passive Income is Key to Financial Success

The Top 3 Reasons Why Passive Income is the Key to Financial Success

Published on May 16, 2022

In our hustle-and-bustle world, it’s easy to feel like income is something we have to actively go out and get. But what if it doesn’t have to be that way? In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of earning a passive income running your own business, and how you can do so with your very own business directory website.
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6 Tips for Designing Effective Banner Ads

Published on April 29, 2022

When it comes to banner ads, it is important that they are designed to be visually appealing and to stand out amongst other imagery and text that might be crowding the page. In most cases, you have one shot to leave a good first impression and win over potential customers. Keep reading to learn about key elements that make banner ads effective and engaging. 
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Ideal directories what are coupon codes and how do they work
Ideal Directories What are Coupon Codes and How Do They Work?

What are Coupon Codes and How Do They Work?

Published on April 25, 2022

When it comes to selling listings on your local business website directory, presenting a special offer or discount in the form of a coupon code can be an effective way to attract new advertisers. You can use coupon codes to give a business that added incentive they need to sign up. With Ideal Directories, you can easily create coupon codes and manage them all from your dashboard. Ready to put coupon codes into action? Here are 4 factors to consider when developing your coupon code strategy.
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10 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Business Directory Website

Published on June 23, 2021. Updated on April 19, 2022.

There are many ways to generate traffic to your website, some free and some paid. As you continue to run your directory website it’s important to explore all the different ways to market your site and see which produces the best results for your business. Here are 10 of the most popular ways to increase traffic to your business directory website.

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4 tips for choosing a hero image for your directory website

4 Tips for Choosing a Hero Image for Your Directory Website

Published on April 11, 2022

Choosing a hero image that works for your brand can mean the difference between someone staying or going, yet this is an often overlooked part of web design. We understand the challenge to pick the right image, but with the right guidance it doesn't need to be a difficult task at all. 
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Top 10 tips to success for first time sales people

The Top 10 Tips for First-Time Salespeople 

Published on March 28, 2022

Becoming a good salesperson is something that takes time. It’s a skill that requires practice and experience to get better. As a directory owner, improving your sales skills is one of the most important things you can do. The more listings you sell, the more money you will make. If you’re just getting your directory website off the ground, or new to sales, these 10 sales tips will help you become successful as a first-time salesperson.
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Home office space

Upgrade Your Work from Home Space With These 22 Home Office Essentials

Published on March 21, 2022

In the past few years, remote work has reached an all-time high and become a societal norm for entrepreneurs and employees. One thing that was a big hurdle for most people transitioning to their new home workplaces was having home offices. Having the proper setup can help not only be more productive but comfortable as well.
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How to earn the trust of advertisers

How to Earn the Trust of Local Advertisers

Published on May 4, 2021. Updated on March 14, 2022.

There is more to sales than pricing and crafting the perfect sales pitch. This is especially true when selling advertising to local businesses. People want to work with others that they know, like, and trust, which makes earning the trust of potential advertisers for your directory website a vital part of the sales process. Business owners want to make sure you have their best interests at heart and aren't just trying to make a quick buck. Earning a business's trust will make for a smoother sales process and a higher closing percentage. 
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10 tips for launching a money making business directory website

10 Tips for Launching a Money Making Business Directory Website

Published on March 7, 2022
Setting up your own local business directory website can be a great way to generate passive income online. In addition to collecting monthly recurring income from advertisers, you’re also helping small business owners achieve a better return on investment (ROI) compared to more traditional marketing methods. Whether you’re brand new to local business directory websites or you’ve launched at least one in the past, here are 10 tips to help you launch a profitable business directory website.
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6 myths about starting a local directory website

6 Myths About Starting a Local Directory Website

Published on February 21, 2022
Many people are interested in starting a business directory website. However, they might be intimidated by the myths surrounding the industry. It’s often thought to be expensive, difficult, time-consuming, and something that can only work in certain markets. But, it's actually quite the opposite. Don’t base your business decisions on assumptions or falsehoods. We expose and explain the six most common myths to be aware of as you inch closer to starting a local business directory website. 
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Part time business tips

5 Tips for Running a Business Directory Website Part-Time

Published on June 29, 2021. Updated on February 14, 2022.

One of the advantages of being a directory website owner is that it doesn’t require a full-time commitment. Once up and running, you can manage your website in as little as a few hours per week. In fact, many of our clients at Ideal Directories are running their directories part-time or on the weekends as a way to earn extra income.
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Top features of a good and memorable business logo ideal directories

Top 10 Features of a Good and Memorable Business Logo

Published on February 7, 2022
Did you know that a good business logo can help you connect with your audience? Your logo is what your customers and target audience will identify you by. Therefore, when designing your logo, you should ensure that it represents your brand perfectly and can allow your customers to easily identify your business. During the design process, keep in mind these key features to ensure your business logo is memorable.

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11 reasons why a web design business is the best side hustle to start in 2022 1

11 Reasons to Start Your Own Directory Website Business

Published on January 31, 2022
One of the biggest changes in online searching in the last few years has been the switch to local searches. People want results quickly and solutions easily accessible within their immediate vicinity, not from halfway across the world. So how can you benefit from this? The best way is to start an online directory business and enjoy the many benefits it brings. 

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8 personality traits that make successful entrepreneurs

8 Personality Traits That Make Successful Entrepreneurs 

Published on January 17, 2022
Over 24 million Americans dream of becoming entrepreneurs. This staggering statistic shows that many of us have a common goal: the freedom and flexibility of owning your own business. If you have a fresh idea, you've probably thought about turning it into a moneymaker. After all, what's better than getting paid to do something you love? But have you ever considered if you have the soft skills to reach success?

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Best busines to start in 2022

Why an Online Directory Website Is a Great Business to Start in 2022

Published on January 4, 2022

As we move ever forward into a digital age, online businesses are becoming more and more popular. From the potential revenue to the flexibility, the expansiveness of the internet allows for online businesses to be successful. One such online business endeavor for 2022 is an online business directory website.

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Should you start a directory website

Should You Start a Business Directory Website?

Published on December 20,2021

Have you ever wanted to be your own boss? Leave the office and the commute behind and run your own company? Well, you're not alone. Last year, over 4.3 million new businesses popped up in the U.S.

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How to Leverage Your Personal Network to Scale Your Business

Published on December 13, 2021

Whether you're selling business listings on your directory website, life insurance, or any service for that matter, you are also selling yourself. Your personality, your reputation and the impression you make play a big role in why doing business with YOU is the right decision.

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Staying positive in sales

10 Tips for Staying Positive in Sales

Published on November 2, 2021

No matter what kind of business you run (whether it's an online business directory or a local coffee shop), sales are an essential part of your day-to-day operations. In fact, running an online business directory is 90% sales. While marketing your site and generating traffic are also important, your primary goal is to sell as many listings to local businesses as possible.

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Signs it's time to quit your job and start your own business
Signs it's time to quit your job and start your own business

11 Signs It's Time to Quit Your Job and Start Your Own Business

Published on October 27, 2021

From a young age, we’re all told that if we want to succeed in life, we need to go to school, get good grades, graduate college, and find a good paying job with benefits. While people will tell you to go to school to become a doctor or a lawyer, it’s very rare that people will tell you to go to school to become an entrepreneur. By taking the traditional path of going to school and getting a job, sometimes you might find yourself “stuck” in a job that you don’t like. If you’re feeling stuck, then you might like the idea of owning your own business.

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Traffic magnet

How to Turn Your Directory Website into a Traffic Magnet

Published on October 13, 2021

Congrats! You’ve recently launched your own directory website with Ideal Directories, and it is live for the whole world to see. But how can you get traffic to your website?

Getting traffic to your directory website is one of the keys to long term success. After all, what good is a listing on your website if nobody sees it?

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Sell Directory Listings
4 Ways to Sell Directory Listings to Local Businesses

4 Ways to Sell Directory Listings to Local Businesses

Published on October 4, 2021

When it comes to sales, there's no such thing as "one size fits all." There are many different ways to approach sales, and depending on the product or service that you're selling, some tactics will work better than others.

Thankfully, selling directory listings to local businesses is something that can be done using a variety of sales methods. From face-to-face, to cold-calling businesses, there are many different approaches you can take. In this article, we'll outline some of the most common (and effective) ways to sell listings to local businesses, along with some tips that support each strategy.

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Sell banner ads

5 Creative Ways to Sell Banner Ads on Your Directory Website

Published on September 20, 2021

Banner ads are a form of advertisement that are featured on the top, bottom or the sides of your website pages. Banner ads typically consist of an image, company name or logo and a call to action. Banner ads are typically rectangular in shape, either horizontal or vertical, and should be designed in a way that draws the viewer's attention and gets them to click on the ad.

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7 tips for starting an online business directory website

7 Tips for Anyone Looking to Start a Local Online Business Directory Website

Published on February 25, 2021. Updated on September 9, 2021

At Ideal Directories, we make starting a local business directory and coupon website as fast, easy and accessible as possible. Our turnkey platform was designed to let anyone launch their own online business, regardless of their previous experience or technical know-how. If you recently launched a directory website with Ideal Directories or are thinking about starting one, here are 7 tips to help guide you toward success.

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Start a directory website for your community

3 Reasons Why a Directory Website is a Valuable Resource for Every Community

Published on August 9, 2021

Whether you live in a large metro city or small rural town, starting a local business directory and coupon website can be an exciting opportunity for anyone looking to start their own business. It provides benefits to both local businesses and consumers, making it a valuable resource for any community.

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Marketing 55e7d1434f 1920

3 Inexpensive Ways to Market a Business Directory Website

Published on June 11, 2020. Updated on August 3, 2021

Part of launching a successful business directory and coupon website is finding ways to effectively market and promote your site to potential advertisers and visitors. While marketing in general can often be a time-consuming and expensive process, you don’t necessarily need to spend a lot of money to get your site off the ground and on the path toward success. There are many marketing tactics that you can implement immediately at little to no cost.

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Why every directory needs a logo

5 Reasons Why Every Directory Website Needs a Professional Logo

Published on July 12, 2021

Your logo is the most identifiable element of your brand. It represents your company, what you do, and who you serve. It’s one of the first things a visitor will see when they come to your directory website and is prominently displayed on every page of your site. Your logo is a direct reflection of your company's value, quality and professionalism and should be imprinted on your business cards, brochures, social media profiles and every piece of marketing you put out. Whether you're speaking to potential advertisers, or marketing your directory website to local consumers, your logo is likely going to be one of the first interactions people have with your company and it’s your opportunity to make a good first impression.
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Best business ideas 2021

Why a Directory Website is the Best Post-COVID Business to Start in 2021

Published on June 16, 2021

It’s been a long time since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Americans are finally starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Things are starting to get back to normal thanks to the effectiveness of vaccines and a drop in infection rates throughout the country.

If you’ve been putting your entrepreneurial dreams on hold, now might be the right time to start refocusing your energy on starting your own business. However, it’s important to proceed with caution. Lots of businesses that might have seemed like prime opportunities to start before the pandemic actually now come with more risk exposure than ever before. For example, starting any “non-essential” business that could be closed down by another pandemic, is a factor that any entrepreneur needs to take into consideration.

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How to overcome fear of cold calling

How to Overcome Your Fear of Cold Calling

Published on June 11, 2021

In business, cold calling is the act of contacting somebody that you want to sell something to without ever having started a relationship with the person in the past. It’s a common sales tactic that many companies will use and is often one of the first steps in an outbound sales process.

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5 ways to make money directory website

Webinar: 5 Ways to Make Money with Your Own Business Directory Website

April 28, 2021

Whether you are looking for a full-time gig or to generate some additional income part-time, running a local business directory website can be extremely profitable and provide multiple streams of recurring revenue. From selling listings and banner ads, to offering complimentary services, the opportunities are endless.

In this webinar, we’ll show you the top 5 ways you can make money running your own business directory and coupon website with Ideal Directories.

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4 tools you need to run a business directory website 2

4 Tools You Need to Run a Successful Business Directory and Coupon Website

April 8, 2021

Ideal Directories is a "turnkey" platform, meaning from a technology perspective, it includes everything you need to start your own business directory and coupon website. You can be up and running in as little as 24 hours with just a few clicks, and absolutely no technical experience required. The entire platform is cloud hosted, so there's nothing to download or install. Ideal Directories even provides sales and marketing materials you can use to promote your business. However, like any business, you will need to have access to some additional resources or tools.

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How to choose a domain

8 Tips for Choosing a Good Domain Name for Your Business Directory Website

March 31, 2021

Choosing a good domain name for your business directory and coupon website is an important  decision to make. Often times, the domain name is the same or similar to your actual business/website name that you will be operating under. A good domain name can help you build credibility, increase brand recognition and even impact search results.  A domain name should be unique yet relatable, easy to remember and help explain what your website is all about.

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Digital coupons surpass print

Digital Coupons Surpass Print Coupons for the First Time

March 24, 2021

Digital coupon use was already on the rise, but in 2020, digital coupon usage surpassed the use of print coupons for the first time ever. Some retailers like Walgreens and CVS suspended their print circulars altogether during the pandemic, opting for online-only. COVID-19 obviously had a major impact on everything including digital coupon use, yet seeing as companies large and small are adjusting their marketing strategies to include more digital deals, it's safe to assume digital coupon redemption will continue to gain popularity in a post-pandemic world.

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Invest your stimulus check

3 Reasons to Invest Your Stimulus Check into an Online Business

March 17, 2021

Millions of Americans have received a third stimulus check in the amount of $1,400. For those families that are still feeling the financial burden of COVID-19, this check will likely be used to buy the bare necessities. However, if your essentials are already covered, investing this check into your own business can be a great option. While there aren’t many traditional businesses you can start for under $1,400, launching an online business with Ideal Directories is a great alternative.

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5 social media platforms

5 Social Media Platforms to Market Your Business Directory Website

March 11, 2021

Social media platforms can be a powerful resource that you can use to drive relevant traffic to your business directory website and reach potential advertisers. Whether you’re just getting started with Ideal Directories, or have owned a directory website for years, using the 5 social media platforms we’ll introduce to you today is a great way to promote your site’s listings, deals, and events.

Here are the 5 platforms we recommend, along with a few actionable ideas you can use to grow your directory’s presence on social media today...

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3 reasons directory websites fail

The Top 3 Reasons Directory Websites Fail

February 18, 2021

A local directory and coupon website is a time-tested business model that can be your pathway to creating a thriving online business with sustainable recurring income. Now more than ever, there is a growing demand for affordable local advertising, making directory websites a great opportunity in just about any market. However, even when the timing is right, the business model is proven and the market opportunity is huge, businesses can still fail if the execution is wrong.

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