Why directory listings are easy to sell

Why Directory Listings are Easy to Sell to Local Businesses

February 9, 2021

For years, directory websites have proven to be both an effective marketing tool for local businesses and a profitable business model for entrepreneurs. Running your own local directory website can be a great business opportunity that generates thousands of dollars per month in recurring income. The primary way to make money from an online business directory website is to sell listings to local businesses. These listings can help businesses boost their online visibility, improve search engine ranking, increase their website traffic, and ultimately help them reach more customers online.

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Tips for success

4 Tips for Success When Starting a New Business

February 3, 2021

Starting your own business can be rewarding and life-changing but the key to success is proper planning and execution. Here are some tips for starting a new business and how they can be applied to starting a local business directory and coupon website for your area with Ideal Directories.

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Best types of businesses to sell listings to

What are the Best Types of Businesses to Sell Directory Listings to?

January 20, 2021

A local business directory website is a great way to make money online. With Ideal Directories, you can launch a local directory and coupon website for your community and start generating a steady stream of monthly recurring revenue while working from the comfort and safety of your home. The primary way to earn money from your directory website is to sell listings to local businesses. So which businesses should you target?

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Multiple income streams 2

Secure Your Financial Future with Multiple Streams of Income

January 15, 2021

The recent COVID-19 crisis left millions of Americans without a job, without a paycheck and facing a financially uncertain future. If that one job and that one paycheck is your only source of income, that's a very scary position to be in and one we can all learn from. One of the best ways to mitigate this risk and to secure your own financial future is to have multiple streams of income that you can count on – especially in times of an emergency. Multiple income streams are the key to generating extra cash flow, paying off debt, and accumulating long term wealth. One of the best ways to generate multiple streams of income is by starting a side business. 

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Should You Save, Spend or Invest Your Stimulus Check?

January 13, 2021

Millions of Americans have now received their second stimulus check, which amounts to $600 per eligible individual, and an additional $600 per child. Many families that have been severely hit financially in the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis are likely to use these payments simply to buy the bare necessities. But if you are not in deep financial distress, you could consider putting this second round stimulus payment to work for you. Regardless of your situation, you ultimately have three options to consider with your stimulus check:

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8 tips starting a directory website

8 Tips for Starting a Business Directory Website in 2021

December 10, 2020

Local business listings help merchants increase local visibility, improve search results, build credibility and drive traffic both to their website and in-store. Listings on national directory sites including Google, Yelp and Yellow Pages are great, but listings on local sites are also important for businesses looking for maximum exposure and to outshine the competition.

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5 tips for working from home 1

5 Tips for Work/Life Balance When Working from Home

December 1, 2020

For many people, remote work (or working from home) has been a way of life for years or even decades. Others, however, have found themselves thrown into working remotely as a necessary factor of living in a post-COVID society. And while many wish things would “return to normal,” there’s no getting around the fact that working from home is part of the new normal that we all must get used to.

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5 reasons to start a business during the holidays

5 Reasons to Start a Directory Website this Holiday Season

The holidays are usually such a busy time of year, with no chance to stop and focus on your career or long-term financial situation. But this year’s different. With the COVID situation limiting everyone’s activities and get togethers, you can utilize this extra downtime to start and build the foundation of your new business so you're ready to hit the ground running in 2021. 
If you’ve been thinking about starting your own business, but are waiting until AFTER the holidays, you might want to think again. Here are 5 reasons to start a directory website this holiday season…

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5 reasons an online business is a smart move

If you’re thinking about starting a business, consider starting an online business. You might assume that a brick-and-mortar or traditional physical business is the only way to go, because that’s what you’re accustomed to or have been exposed to the most over the years. However, as more people spend more time online, aided by the COVID pandemic especially, entrepreneurs are switching their focus to businesses that can be run from home, online, on their terms. If you’re contemplating entrepreneurship, here are the top 5 reasons why starting an online business is a smart move right now: 

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How to promote your directory website using facebook

October 9, 2020

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of ways to market a local business directory website, but one of the most popular ways is social media, especially Facebook. Since it provides instant access to both consumers and local businesses, it’s the perfect way to market a local business directory and coupon website for your area. You can promote your directory site on Facebook anytime from the comfort of your home or mobile device, and best of all: it’s free, making it a very attractive marketing option for anyone just starting out or on a tight budget.

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How to Sell Listings on a Directory Website with Little to No Traffic
Learn how to sell listings on a directory website that doesn't have a lot of traffic.

Here at Ideal Directories, one of the concerns we hear from people looking to start their own business directory website is: How will I sell listings on my site when I’m just starting out and I don’t have a lot of website traffic?

That’s a legitimate concern…. but an easy one to overcome. Here’s what you can do if a potential advertiser asks you about the traffic your getting to your site.

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Start a directory website

If you're like most people, starting a new business venture can often be confusing and even overwhelming. Not knowing where to start can leave you feeling “stuck" or result in unnecessary and costly mistakes.  Here are 7 tips for launching a successful business directory and coupon website in your area with Ideal Directories.

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Selling during covid

Whether you recently launched a directory website or thinking about starting one, don’t let concerns about COVID-19 prevent you from being successful and reaching your goals. Despite the new challenges we face, starting a business directory website is still a great opportunity for anyone looking to run their own business.  In fact, an online business might be the safest business to operate amidst the pandemic. Here are 6 tips for selling listings on your directory website during COVID-19.

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Best part time business opportunity

11 Reasons a Directory Website is a Great Part-Time Business Opportunity

If you’re hesitant about starting your own business, consider a business that you can run part-time or on the weekends. Starting a local business directory and coupon website is a great way to earn some additional income while learning the ropes of entrepreneurship, and it doesn’t require a full-time commitment. Here are 11 reasons why a directory website is a great part-time business for inspiring entrepreneurs. 

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8 Reasons Directory Listings are Important for All Businesses

Businesses are constantly looking for new ways to bring in customers. While print advertising, direct mail, and social media are all great ways to promote a business, directory listings offer businesses an easy and economical way to reach customers online. If you’re looking to start your own directory website and make money selling listings to businesses in your area, here are 8 reasons directory listings are important for all businesses.

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Ideal Directories Live Platform Demo & Opportunity Overview Webinar

Watch a recording of a recent webinar as we walk you through some of the features of the Ideal Directory platform and how to make money running your own business directory and coupon website.

What We Cover:

- How it Works
- Suggesting Pricing
- Platform Demo
- Live Q&A
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5 Ways to Make Money with Your Own Business Directory Website

Whether you are looking for a full-time gig or to generate some additional income, running a local business directory website can be extremely profitable and provide multiple streams of recurring revenue. From selling listings and ads, to offering complimentary services, the opportunities are endless. Here are 5 ways you can make money running your own business directory and coupon website with Ideal Directories.

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Ideal Directories 100 Ways to Market Your Online Directory
Ideal Directories 100 Ways to Market Your Online Directory

How to Market Your Online Business Directory

When it comes to marketing your business directory, we wrote the book on it (literally). We compiled a list of 100 Ways to Market Your Online Directory and put together an easy-to-read eBook.

Here are a sample of some quick, practically FREE tips, to help you get started. We’ll share the rest when you sign up.

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How to Start Your Own Local Business Directory Website in 5 Easy Steps

Are you interested in starting your own online business directory? A local business directory website is great way to support local businesses, help local shoppers find relevant information and make money online. Follow these 5 simple steps to learn how you can start your own local business directory website today.

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